
May 30, 2012

6-month no-buy!

I've put myself on a no-buy from the day after Memorial Day until Black Friday. That is exactly 6 months and one day.  (And honestly, most of my buying after that will likely be holiday presents for others). This no-buy includes EVERYTHING, even coffee (I can buy a pound of coffee grounds and make it at home, just no Starbucks or anything like that).  Of course, I can buy necessities (like toothpaste), and any staples I completely run out of (like mascara). Basically, all I can buy is staples, because even my food is going to be clean from now on. No white sugar or flour; nothing deep fried. My family has been baking bread lately so even that is going to be fresh. I'm trying to rediscover my drawer full of art supplies, and get some pictures on these walls. If I need a break from work, I'm going to go outside. (5 minutes of fresh air will do way more good than 5 minutes on youtube.) If I want a new facial mask or scrub, I'll make it at home with fresh, natural ingredients. It kind of bums me out because I wanted this Philosophy scrub I saw for 60% off, and I'm still trying to crush the lemming. But then I remind myself how much healthier and cheaper it would be to make one with brown sugar and olive oil at home. I need healthier right now. I think we all do.

May 5, 2012

cloudy sky

This is just a lack of cleanup, not horrendously big white cuticles. My cleanup brush died on me the other day.